Friday, February 28, 2025

A House With A View

Leif's house is like Old Farm with a kitchen facing North and the living room (with 24' of glass doors) faces South. Having a sunny view of his backyard, creek bed and hillside to open acres most of the day is wonderful. This week he has had all of the clouded glass replaced in the living and dining room sliding doors, which helps heat the house, starting at dawn. The company we hired removed and disassembeled doors inside to replace the glass, which was an enormous savings without a lift rented. All of the doors are on the second floor of the house and opened to a projected deck which previous owners foreshortened. 

The original projected decks on this house were a feature which gave it the company name "Acorn Deck House". It has been considered the first Mid Century Modern home available after WWII. Right: New glass in dining room. 

The creek bed view borders his 3 1/2 acres.

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