Monday, December 28, 2015

The Boiler System

This Christmas season, Bill and Christian have completed their efforts installing the new boiler/heating system in Christian's old farmhouse. We have ended up with six zones which include forced hot air, radiant wall and hydronic radiant floor heat, and indirect domestic hot water. We will hire help to install the duct work and air handler. The red and green parts kept it festive looking here.

My jobs have been to clean the non-removable duct work and design the hydronic floor heating system, which kept the holidays busy...but not too busy to dress up the dog Anders. Happy holidays!


  1. What a great bit of information to know. Boilers can be complicated things. I have hired people to help me just to understand the working of them so that I can make sure to maintain it properly. So I completely understand where you are coming from. In addition to the boiler information your dog is so darn cute, love it.

    Roxanne Vaughn @ Total Plumbing Inc.

  2. It seems like getting the heating sorted for your place has been a complicated thing, if you have six different zones, but you seem to have coped well with it. The boiler looks really neat and quite attractive in an industrial art installation kind of a way. And Anders looks so sweet in that bow- looks like he knows it too!

  3. Investing in the renovation of my radiant heating system was a smart move. The repair improved the system's overall functionality and saved me from potential future breakdowns.
