Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Wiring And Hanging

We have installed a new Minka Aire Concept II ceiling fan ($150 fbm) and two track lights ($265) once in Leif's vaulted great room. The work took two weekends with all new wiring and dimmers added. This fan is inaudible and echoes the shape of the foyer light.

Some surface wiring was removed and the track lights were wired along with the new fan plus dimmers. The master bedroom also has a new ceiling fan added to it's vaulted ceiling. For now these fans help keep wood stove heat down and in the living spaces.

Mid Century Modern houses had hanging closet doors in their bedrooms at least. Bill has painted the upstairs doors here white which Leif hung with all new hardware. It is hard to paint over wooden parts of an Acorn Deck House like Leif's, but the one above in CT had an addition painted all white inside, which is a striking contrast.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Selling & Staging Ceramics

 Bill has these pieces at 1 Sidney Place, Brooklyn Heights, NY; now on the market for $22.5 million.

Six of Bill's Garden pieces; Seats, Stools and/or Tables, are now staging the renovation of 1 Sidney Place, Brooklyn Heights, NY. Lyndsay Caleo Karol of "The Brooklyn Home Company" has purchased most of the pieces for their largest; elaborate reno to date. Alex & family were able to attend the Open House as they live nearby.

The house was immediately in contract! "This historic townhouse set for second highest Brooklyn sale."