Friday, August 25, 2023

Uncle Christian's Coop


Christian has built a chicken coop on his farm for his nieces and nephew. It is well shaded, between the cool down shed and small animal barn, with wire protection underground. The gate closes at dusk electronically and he has a view of the chickens on a phone app. Sweet. 

Uncle Christian & Alex after a chicken visit.

I have found a Steiff horse for baby Alex which looks like Nina's, fun. Christian's farm has stalls for 7 horses, but the meadows, garden & chickens are enough.

Our outhouse turned chicken coop with a slate roof. Both coops have old house windows.

Friday, August 18, 2023

A Modern Master Bath

We decided to gut half the master bathroom of vintage German blue tiles in order to install a newer heat source and high gloss white vanity with storage & glass shelves above. The floor will be white 1' X 2' porcelain tile, light source; 5 cubes of white glass & chrome, and wall, trim & beam paint high gloss white. 

Friday, August 11, 2023

Going To Miami Soon...


Bill's boss is getting two recent ceramic stools Bill made for his house in Ft. Lauderdale and they ship in a custom wood & foam crate. Both beautiful & so Miami! Yippie.

Friday, August 4, 2023

White Hydrangeas

Although blue hydrangeas are most desirable on Cape Cod, I have learned to love the many spectacular species of white hydrangeas which survive the worst of winters here. Last winter's cold snap below 0 meant no blue blooms for me this summer, but their lush greenery and the surrounding white Annabels, Bridal Veils, Standard Pee Gees and of course Limelights (arch over the entrance) have made a glorious showing at Old Farm.

Also the white Sweet Autumn Clematis covering our fence, is here on Nantucket in Oct....