Sunday, May 23, 2021

Fifties Flower Girls



Back in the fifties, my sister and I were flower girls for my fabulous Aunt Laura. It was an early Fall wedding in Maine and our dresses were pale yellow and green with silk embroidered twining flowers & hoop skirts. Our head wreaths, big bouquets and small hand ones (just for the big tent party), were made of Autumn flowers. We slept in a big old inn, played board games on old wooden floors and found Steiff seals under our bed pillows. Go flower girls and ring bearers!  The New York Times listed our dresses as "Lily Pullitzer."

Monday, May 10, 2021

Nina's Family Farm


Alex will soon marry Nina whose family farm is in Brazil and a days drive north of their home there. The horses, cattle and land are all very special and Nina's own lovely horse is here.