Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Concrete For Christmas

Bill filling cement behind the form to create a new wall.

We have purchased a pallet of concrete for Christmas this year, to create a dry kitchen crawl space under Christian's farmhouse. The cement mixer is out of the barn and luckily all of the forms will be filled from inside the house, while Bill, Alex and Leif are around to help with the work. Christmas day a long wall was built using 13 bags of Sakrete poured behind staked/ braced; plastic lined forms made of plywood and 2" X 4" wood. The hammer is used to tap out air bubbles in the concrete. 

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 10, 2018

Crawl Space Dig Done

A proper crawl space beneath a house is important because 40%-70% of the air you breath in the house originates from there. The idea of cross venting this space awhile back actually compounded mold issues and trapped poor air feeding into the house. We will build forms to pour cement walls filling in vents and shoring-up old stone foundation walls. Deeper excavation of this space by hand digging has allowed for a cement floor as well and easier access to the kitchen plumbing.