Monday, March 24, 2025

ROCKWOOL In Interior Walls

The interior insulation and electrical outlets near Leif's new glass sliding doors, now has superior ROCKWOOL bats and new electrical switches. One switch now operates a second exterior spotlight on the back of the house highlighting his panoramic view there.

ROCKWOOL is made of volcanic stone; fire, mold & mildew resistant and has an R value of 15 here. Building inspectors highly endorse it.

The downstairs bathroom is entirely insulated with it.

Next will be new baseboard heat below the doors with mahogany boards replaced behind.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

A New Hot Water Heater

It is Old Farm's turn to get a new Weil-McLain hot water heater which Bill ordered from "" with piping, to install himself. It all fit into his Tesla Y with a collapsible dolly and his box of plumbing tools. He has nearly completed the work which includes four zones, in two days!


The third day, and all done! Time for a hot shower.

Christian's heating system Bill and he installed with 6 zones.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Tall Sculptures

Every firing of the Takaezu Studio large kiln is unique as the heat and glazes vary. Bill's recent big pieces were in a kiln corner with wonderful results; what a pair.

Beautiful bowls, two garden stones and a tall seat were also in this firing.

Bill's mentor at Princeton University has her bronzed bell near Nassau Hall.

Friday, February 28, 2025

A House With A View

Leif's house is like Old Farm with a kitchen facing North and the living room (with 24' of glass doors) faces South. Having a sunny view of his backyard, creek bed and hillside to open acres most of the day is wonderful. This week he has had all of the clouded glass replaced in the living and dining room sliding doors, which helps heat the house starting at dawn. The company we hired removed and disassembeled doors inside to replace the glass, which was an enormous savings without a lift rented. All of the doors are on the second floor of the house and opened to a projected deck which previous owners foreshortened. 

The original projected decks on this house were a feature which gave it the company name "Acorn Deck House". It has been considered the first Mid Century Modern home available after WWII. Right: New glass in dining room. 

The creek bed view borders his 3 1/2 acres.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Princeton University Alumni Day

This Saturday 2/22/25 is Princeton University Alumni Day, while we are helping a bit with our Class of 1975 50th Reunion in May. I am helping with a silk scarf design and large banner update while Bill is on beverages - a bigger deal. It is fun to help since we live so close to campus.

Left: the scarf "tiger stripe" 75's are topped with Princeton University's famous fireworks. Our theme is Roaring Back to Reunions.

Below: a large Class banner we have historically hung at our major Reunion sites since its creation for our 25th Reunion, has been updated.

During our 25th Reunion, Princeton University had a designated grounds team to hang this banner in 3 locations, including suspending it from the ceiling of Jadwin Gym with all other flags removed during our Class dinner. Even the balcony seats were flipped up by Crew members to spell out "1975". During every major reunion we have been able to locate a place to hang this banner, which is updated every five years, at our designated site.

The banner was created by the historic "Humphrys Flag Co." in Philadelphia using overcast stitching of all parts - no longer available. The original artwork is from a historic invitation to George Washington's Birthday Celebrations on campus, (from which I drew 3 color artwork) found in Seeley G. Mudd Rare Manuscript Library. The event and toasting tiger image mark the beginnings of students reuniting on campus in similar spirit as Reunions are now.

"Alumni Day" celebrates all the great alumni of Princeton University with campus wide lectures and athletic events.

Photo: Sameer Kahn

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

New Nameeks Sink

I am getting a new Nameeks sink in my powder room. While replacing Christian's small antique corner sink in his house (left), I fell in love with their sinks and options for small sinks especially. The Nameeks sinks & faucets are made in Italy and Turkey and look good with any modern toilet.

My sink.

Another Nameeks very small, cool option...

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Two Tall Sculptures

Bill has built two large sculptures for the studio kiln which barely fit. Each takes three men to carry out of his studio and into my wagon for a ride to be fired. Both are a tight fit in greenware state and will shrink about 2 1/2".

Go Bill!